Legal liability

B + A is conformed by professionals that have been immersed, for some time, on topics relevant to civil liability, administrative and criminal or penal law. Actions that may be initiated against acts or omissions giving rise to civil liability, administrative, regulatory, environmental and criminal (penal) law are multiple, and this office has intervened in cases involving misuse of dangerous mechanisms, acts or omissions imply negligence and serious flaws because of breach in the compliance of laws, regulations, edicts, decrees, rules related to civil protection and safety, technical transgressions or non-compliancy with the Mexican Official Norms (NMON) on matters related to the energy sector (distribution, transport of natural gas, electricity and oil), as well as non-compliance with international technical standards, which have to do with technical issues related to physics and mathematics, expression of ideas, moral damage, editorial industry, patrimonial responsibility of the public servant.

We have thus succeeded in giving them a favourable weight in the minds and decisions taken by courts or jurisdictional authorities when dictating their trial resolutions. This office has grown with the opening of the energy sector to private institutions, which has generated several unfortunate, deplorable and lamentable events often caused by negligence and / or lack of care in both the government and individuals, which have resulted in legal or judicial proceedings ( civil and administrative) and preliminary investigations for civil liability, which has enabled us to have a broad and extensive overview of the regulatory framework applicable to all 3 sectors formerly mentioned. The work of the office, seeks to offer our clients with an integral attention in this type of actions that derive from civil responsibility or other areas, stressing a real harmony among the different branches that conform it, which are the civil, regulatory, penal, environmental and administrative areas. Our experience also covers matters of civil liability in a broad sense (lato sensu) in aspects or matters involving constructions, and in the daily operation of many of our clients and customers. On the other hand, since their social activities often involve risky tasks, we have given us the duty to develop and perform preventive work aimed to comply fully with all applicable laws, regulations and official norms, as well as generally accepted international norms.

In this manner, it is sought to have optimum results in any promoted action, without neglecting all delicate and fine points pertaining to other areas, avoiding the need to ask for backup or help from another law firm, specialized in some particular branch, in such a way that, if so happens or is necessary, to promote some incident, invalidity trial, judgment of nullity, legal resource, appeal, preliminary inquiry or trial of protection (amparo), related to the main action in order to fortify it, this office constantly works in preparation and coordination within
itself and is in standby at all times, in case one or more of the mentioned assumptions materialize, which certainly optimizes the outcome expected by our clients. We have also generated extensive judicial interpretation in these matters, on the issue of liability as to moral damage, harm, injury, any damages or legal injury, taking dully into account that the clientele we serve may be in the energy business, or the manufacturing, food and publishing industry. Moral damage has always been a strong point of expertise with us, as well as legal responsibility taken in a broad sense.

It has provided us with positive results, by combining wisely the local, federal and criminal law, as well as the relevant administrative regulations. Our office is highly familiar with all complex issues of accountability, including every conceivable path foreseen by law, in order to handle, in a coordinated manner, and with high efficiency, the enrollment of multiple authorities at all relevant levels, which often involucrate local and federal legislatures. The experience of our office does not only understands the phase of responsibility, but also realize the previous stages by way of administering legally concessions, permissions, relations of administrative right as are exemplified by the intervention in the most notorious international public tenders in our country or permit titles important for the national economy.

In addition to what has been considered, in A + B we are in constant communication and seek the support of the best specialists in the fields of construction, engineering, natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, explosives, corrosive materials, official norms or rules and in general, any topic that in a given circumstance, may stand out and correspond to their given specialization. We ensure ourselves that the competent authority possesses in excess all the technical elements needed or required, to properly sustain, establish and motivate their decisions, so that it will turn out very difficult to revoke the consideration previously issued at higher levels.